Why the newspaper and I have a love-hate relationshipRecent current events and exposure to history and geopolitics have spurred me to pick up the newspaper and read, for once in years, the news section rather than Life!. As intriguing as it was, at the end of reading my heart has never been heavier (aside from the times I quarrel with steven) and given a gun I would have shot people like the Israeli PM Ehud Olmert if he were in front of me.
Here are some of the things that have gotten me in this $*(&@*( mood...
1. The Tibetan- Chinese issueI no doubt see Western agenda in this whole shit. Dai Lama (a monk who eats meat: what the?) is sinisterly using the Olympics to garner support for his "human rights" issue. The West, in particular the U Ass of A, is afraid of China rising that goes without saying. It cannot stand the idea that there could be another superpower that will have a say in the way they handle world affairs, the way the invade places like Iraq and the way they conveniently exploit the Third World. What they do not see, however, is that while China may rise economically and militarily, it will probably never be able to replicate the cultural imperialism of the USA. Over here we're looking at two forms of power: hard power (military strength) and soft power (cultural influence). It's almost impossible for China to have the latter.
But anyway, the thing is, Tibet IS part of China. It has been part of China since1246. In 1907 Britain and Russia acknowledged Chinese control of Tibet. If the West condones Israel, THE COUNTRY CREATED OUT OF PALESTINIAN LAND IN THE NOT-SO-LONG-AGO 1949 (will talk more about this later), why are they making so much noise about China's control of Tibet, something established since CENTURIES ago? I say they're just trying to impede, or should I say, prevent China from rising. If Tibet successfully gains sovereignty (and I will just laugh at how their economy will suffer in this Capitalist world), China may face an internal break up like the USSR. Manchuria and the area over HeilongJiang may well contest Chinese control and Taiwan will probably never be incorporated into China.
If people were to argue that Tibetans are of a different ethnic make-up as Chinese, then, in the words of Dr Ong Siew Chey, "by the same token, perhaps the Americans and the Australians should also leave their countries".
What is more important, however, is that we should realize that China is not abusing Tibet. If not because of China, Tibet will still be this backward country in which monasteries command thousands of unpaid farming serfs and slaves. Now who's talking about human rights here? It was China who modernized the province and abolished slavery. It is with China that "all children can now have free secular education" in Tibet and "living standards and life expectancy... improved greatly" (Dr Ong). Do I see abuse here?
And seriously, those son of a bitch Western nations should stfu up human rights when these are conveniently ignored in exploiting Third World labour and resources, when the USA kills innocent Iraqi and Iranian civilians, when there are problems of BODY PARTS trade in Kosovo and Albania. Fucking hypocrites.
2) Torch ProtestsWell this is irrefutably linked to the Tibetan issue. Protesters from, again, the Western countries, like Britain and France try to attack the olympic torch relay. These two pictures that appeared in the Straits Times yesterday (12 April 2008) are telling of the protest movements.


I was thinking the above picture would have been better represented like this:

Well anyway. These protests, as i said just now, are acts of hypocrisy.
China's ambassador to Britain, Fu Ying, has aptly pointed out that "demonstrators who disrupted the relay in protest over China's crackdown in Tibet were misinformed", and "of those who protested loudly, many probably have not seen Tibet". (http://www.channelnewsasia.com/stories/afp_asiapacific/view/341139/1/.html)
What is depicted in the "free" Western media is mediated; they feed their people with pictures of Tibetan protesters struggling with Chinese policemen, but omit pictures of Tibetans hurling rocks at the latter. And honestly, how many of these people have studied Tibetan-Chinese relations well enough to go into the street to protest that this is against Human rights? it is sheer absurdity that Chinese quelling of Tibetan violence is taken with outrage. You telling me the USA and you fellow European pieces of shit dont ever do that? You will just let protesters burn your embassies?? what a joke.
Seriously, these protests movements are essentially political and motivated to deter China from "[showcasing] the country's progress and opening up to the world" (PM Lee). And he rightly conjures that these torch protests and "displays of contempt for China and things Chinese will have consequences in their lifetime, well beyond the Olympic games". The pea brained people dont realize their heavy dependence on China. As depicted by the cartoon below lol.
3) TheMiddle East Conflict: Israel-PalestineMy stand is clear: I stand with Palestinians.
Israel was created from the partition drawn up by the British Mandate of Palestine. It's really a joke. The British go into Palestine and draw borders as they wish, dictating that oh this is a place for Jews and this part is for Arabs. Just like what they did elsewhere in Middle East, defining borders, saying this is Syria, this is Iraq, blahblahblah. And oh Jews have the right to this land according to their fucking religious history. RELIGIOUS. People can argue against the HISTORICAL fact that Tibet is part of China. yet they accept this whole bullshit idea of RELIGIOUS BACKING. get a fucking life and stop imposing your fucking religious views on Arabs/Palestinians who dont share the same fucking views.
Like that's not bad enough, claiming Palestinian land for their own, Israel goes on to occupy even more strips of land than initially given to them. HELLO! In the first place why the fuck are Palestinians paying for your tragedy in GERMANY? Why dont the Germans give up a part of their fucking land??! Hello to the West?? Seriously, it's these things that Israel are doing now to Palestinians that makes me hardly sorry for the Jewish extermination in the Holocaust.
So they justify their building of a wall and affecting water supplies (of cos, advantageous to them but not to the Palestinians) on the basis of SECURITY. They blame it on people like the Hamas militants. They dont realize that these "terrorist" groups are borne out of HOPELESSNESS and HELPLESSNESS.
Oh and recently Hamas militants killed 2 Israelis... so Israel mobilizes ten tanks and two armoured bulldozers into Gaza and kill 7 Palestinians... wow, behaving just like their big bro America! Israeli lives are more precious than Palestinians just as an American life is worth more than the Vietnamese's! And read: It's not even the Hamas who instigated the earlier raid.
"Three smaller armed groups claimed responsibility for the attack, but Israel blames Hamas because it controls Gaza, where it ousted forces loyal to moderate Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas in June". But wtv. People have died. And PM Ehud Olmert has claimed that "[the Hamas] will have to bear the inevitable price for its actions" and went on to add "I promise you that the response against Hamas will no longer be able to act against Israeli citizens". '
Why dont I hear anything about Israel's threat being a terrorist threat? Heyheyhey if the Mehdist Army/ Moqtada Al-Sadr declares that to America, can you imagine whats gonna happen to Iraq? (like the situation aint bad enough there). And anyway concerning Iraq - do people honestly believe the USA was just there to free the Iraqis from Saddam? It was just an EXCUSE, a JUSTIFICATION, i'll tell you it's not even their concern, because if not for the vast oil reserves there, they wouldnt send a single American soldier there. JUST LOOK AT AFRICA.
Will go and find out more after my exams and talk about these things.
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