"Maybe this one time she could stop dead still ...... and feel the hurt her
back brains and eyes ought to." (Beloved)
maybe you're like, wondering, whats the big deal?
but when u've been feeling guilty whenever you take a one hour nap or go out with your boyfriend for the past few months, you'd understand what im taking about.
the last few weeks were the worst man. admittedly i slacked off but c'mon you cant expect me to keep studying and studying... and i have studied lor :/ im kinda worried about my results actually cos it didnt turn out as smoothly as i hoped; kept having mental blocks, and well till the day before exam i was still poring over my notes. Cher and i were saying that for a's, we dont want to be doing last minute mugging the night before but haha din make it :X i wanted to do 5 topics for both history P1 and 3, but did only 4. I'm thankful for that though:D cos nationalism came out some weird monarchists vs wtv crap while the questions for the two topics that i dropped in P3 were undo-able. i rmbed one was on east asian tigers economy as i was like PHEW cos i missed the lecture for it and NEVER studied it before cos i dun like anything related to econs:x except for money.
when my hist s ended yesterday i kept smiling. the paper wasnt perfect (i did a question on NATIONALISM can when i dropped it lol!) but aiya, should be ok la. im happy with a Merit. i just dont wanna get a Pass :x but well anyway i smiled all the way back home. i saw a kiampar girl but i still smiled. couldnt help it. at last, i no longer have to ponder about how much time i have left to study for this XXX paper and how i can squeeze some dating/family time into it. i no longer have to push out the thoughts of shopping and chilling out with my friends and chid myself for not being able to concentrate on studying! now i can go tanning WHENEVER i want, go running, read Maus without feeling the time ought to be spent on reading bloody Beloved.
ah! :)
and best of all im going out later, tmw, sat, sunday, next wed, next thurs......... WOOO HOOO. i feel like i've been trapped too long my goodness. those few hours i spent stevening every saturday was miserable can! even when i'm out i'd be thinking about exams -.-
what a good start to my post A's heh. i slept like a baby for 12 hours :D from now on i shall sleep by 11pm so my horrible eye bags and dark circles will fade uggggh.
i want my results back though :/ you must think i'm crazy but i'm like that. even if i know i wont do well i still wanna know lol so i can get it off my chest once and for all:x
ahah oh last saturday i went to the ZOOOoo with my family and little cousin. that bloody hairdresser made my hair even worse than it was before (tho it's been rectified. went back to demand that it be fixed:x) so i just bunned up my hair and went for the tomboy look that day lol!

i hate butterflies. i literally ran out of the fragile forest with my little cousin. especially after a red bird flew just above my head:/

no wonder ppl were staring at me lol...

why do i look so dumb in candid shots lol!

my mum took this. she was fascinated with it and my dad was utterly grossed out. aha! that's the reaction men have when their own sexuality is publicly exposed.

'modelling' for my mum... been doing that since young lol! but well it's a nice spot to take pics..

LOL so funny right! the one with the sack over his back so smart can! protecting himself from the sweltering heat lol! but the other one looks like he's banging his head against the wood :x

grabbing some ninnies!

my mum decided to suck at them. :x again my dad was petrified. he's never seen his wife behaving like that lol! it's just the zoo la.

i love my collarbones! :D

my ma-mi and i!

hahaha my favourite picture :D i'm just so good at making stupid faces :))))