my lookalike!when i was in mjc, people used to tell me that there's this girl who looks like me.. or i look like her (ok same right). but anyway well i didnt use to think so cos i moped around blindly in mjc back then without contacts (yes ima vainpot wadwadwad) .. i just went to see her blog, and my! even my sister got a shock lol! i think it's the facial shape.. and we're both vv skinny.
i show you k!

and oh my i just realized the girl in the first pic beside her looks like hazel.
budden i realize that we dont look like close up. my nose is bigger and my eyebrows are untrimmed and my face is rounder>.<

that's kenny poon in the pic on the right.
ok all of a sudden i realized she might just sue me for using her pics. LOL sorry girl was just amazed at the similarity in some of the pics:x
but anyway, hah! i always knew that there's a limited permuatation of faces you can get, i've always knew there's someone who looks EXACTLY like me.. not this girl but perhaps somewhere else in the world! like China i guess. don't laugh ok im chinese wad.
thou shalt go sleep and wake up for a run later. been feeling like a bum from all that studying. and booo dont talk about prelims. didnt finish a single paper LOL. not even lit! so pathetic.