Dont you just wanna laugh at the way some people have such high expectations/standards, mock at you as though they're better than you, or have it better than you do, and in the end what they get themselves is so meagre, much lesser than what you have, or even nothing at all?
Dont you just wanna laugh at the way some people act like they know it all about the way of life, but their lives and characters reflect their ignorance of it?
Dont you just wanna laugh at how some people think they know all about you, but actually what they know is just all that you will let them know?
Dont you just wanna laugh at the way some people think that they are so mature, way above the rest around them, without realizing they are the really unhappy people, while those whom they despise, are?
Dont you just wanna laugh at how some people are so cynical about things, thinking that they are the smartest cos they dont believe, without realizing what they are actually missing out cos they dont know the beauty of simplicity?
Dont you just wanna laugh at how some people think you're foolish, especially when they've never tried before, but they're the ones who are even too scared to try?
Dont you just wanna laugh at how some people are so mocking, but are actually just envious, and their mockery is just self-comfort?
Dont you just wanna laugh at how some people think they know all, talk as if they know everything, when the truth is, they've never even gotten a chance to experience it, and you're the one who's been there, done that?
what you see
isnt what you get.