I'm bound to do pretty badly this time round. Gp was fine, but math was like "wtf?". From question 1 to 5, i only managed to answer a 1 mark sub question. which i think is wrong anyway. and counting on the fact that we only have 12 questions to do, I presume I am pretty dead because I didnt do a couple of questions as well, like area and volume. to think i devoted so much time to math thinking it's high time i buck up for it, then the crazy math department decided to set questions which are so hard that most likely wont come out for a levels and so I screwed up my math yet again.
Must be that weird weird teacher who invigilated us that day in LT1. He's suchanass can. a55 (i think.) came in slightly before 8amand he was like "55 you're LATE." in that you-are-so-sinful-you-wretched-youth kinda tone. Before the exam started he dunno chide us how many times. after exam also. like hello, like the math paper is not frustrating enough!
History was exceptionally bad because i did only 3 essays when we were supposed to do 4. due to a lack of time to study, I picked topics. Given 4 choices, gotta do 2. And only 2 of the topics which i studied came out, so it's like "oh. seems like ive got no choice."I had a feeling that islamic fundamentalism was gonna come out, but at 2am, the long malay names of the revolutionaries are so confounding you will go "wtf?". All i rmb is the "Shah of Iran". well that's not a malay name anyway. :/ based on edna tan's usual stringent marking, the most (with lots of finger crossings) i'll squeeze out of her is 20 for sbq and 16 for russian rev. As for sayers' essay, let's see. 17? So in all I'll get 53 marks. sigh.
elite was perhaps the best. but i dint finish beloved essay anyway.
arghh. sick of talking abt exams. ferggeddit.
tmw i gotta complete an essay. stupid history s got so much work. too much work can kill one's interest yannoe. wadsmore it's about european history. which i almost know nuts about besides what we learn in P1.
arrrghhh look at the symptoms of "pre a-level syndrom" IT'S ALL IN ME. UGGGGH.
was telling cher and vanna today about this poor thai singer who used some imitation brand of masque and got disfigured. so poor thing right she's got the two circles around her eyes somemore. but why she go use imitation stuff on her face in the first place :/ actually when i first saw the pic (the before disfigurement one) i thought she was michael jackson. oops.
8:58 PM;