Friday, March 31, 2006
finally i bought shoes! yippee :D they are not damn nice or wad, but wearable! :)
dont ask me why the photo is portrait though i took it in landscape. nvm who cares.
and guess how much... 2 pairs for $19.90 hehehe... bought from isetan :D actually i wanted white AND black version of the pink design but there wasn my size anymore for both : ( but nvm! the black pair is meant to go with my jeans heh. so now my shoes craving is *temporarily* satisfied. actually i've seen a few designs that i like, but they range from $30 to $60... too expensive. Wait till i work and am filthy rich. i wont waste a whole week's allowance on one pair of shoes.. i rather eat lol..
today i went to find the "ah ma" whom i brought to botanical gardens.. she's so cute! unfortunately she is senile so she cant rmb me.. haha, during the trip to botanical gardens she kept asking me to sit with her, and kept offering me her biscuits, raisins and "giam seng tee"... and occasionally she'd speak a bit of english like "Dont want!" lol.. and hmm i think after steven goes into ns, i wil bring my own grandma out once in a while after school also.. she always prepares desert for me: )
love, ching
ching gave some lovin' at
6:23 PM;
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Lookalikes! + Mr. Protective :))Here's one guy i think looks like steven...
But his eyes are so far apart and steven's eyes SPEAK... :))

haha took this candid pic of steven cos it's from the side.. i think their side profiles look pretty similar! jst that steven has a bigger face..
------> not this guy hor.well anyway that darling made me understand why i love him in the first place.. or one of the reasons that is, lol..
today i was lying against his chest on the bus, suddenly i heard him scold someone "What the fuck you looking at?".. i woke up and realized he was scolding this victoria guy.. probably sec 3 or 4 cos he was in long pants.. according to steven, that guy's fren had looked at me, whispered sth to this guy, and this guy took out his spects, looked at me or sth. Apparently from his angle, he could see me "zhaogeng".. i dunno, that's wad steven claimed.. it seems that he can see me zg even in school uniform.. not the skirt but the blouse. well wtv.. I was so scared la cos he suddenly just raised his voice in the bus like that. The guy quickly looked away.. but when we alighted steven gripped the guy's neck/collar area (however you describe it) and confronted him again.. the guy didnt deny anything, only mumbled "look at wad".. so perhaps he was guilty? if not he would have stood up for himself right, esp when someone phsyically confronts u. he wasnt nerdy or small sized. that kinda act cool type. den steven dared him to go down the bus, but the guy just kept quiet. Steven scolded him coward and a "FUCK YOU you understand" so loudly before we alighted :S so harsh.... everyone was staring la. so paiseh. luckily he nv used hokkien vulgarities. i was pretty scared that a fight would ensue cos that guy had 2 or 3 frens with him. worst is if the bus uncle comes arrgh.but alas, i guess my opinion of VS guys is true: they are mostly whims. just act cool, but wont dare to pick up challenges. I'm not encouraging fights, it's just that the impression i've gotten of them since i stepped into vjc and observing their behavior on the buses is that they are generally a kb bunch who are "all talk and no action". wtv it is after a while the embarrassment and fear of a fight subsided, esp when steven explained that he couldnt have allowed the guy to so openly look at me zg right in front of him and let him get away scot free. and i also realized that it would be better to have a bf who stands up for u rather to have one who cowers and pretends nth happens.. steven shld be awarded the most protective bf award : ))love,ching
ching gave some lovin' at
10:26 PM;
Mortified.I've been rushing assignments since school reopened from the march holidays, so i decided to give myself a break, and as usual, neglect my math :X well that's not the point actually. the thing is, after dinner i decided to watch tv. i haven sat in front of the tv for more den half an hour for the past....... few months. really. the last show that i actually bothered to sit through was Love Concierge. and only because it aired during the hols. Usually on weekdays, i come home at abt 4 the earliest (meet bf meet bf meet bf), which only occurs on a couple of days out of the 5 days of school, and on other days i return home at 6 or 7pm. Lie on the bed, and have dinner at 7 30. At 8 i switch on the comp, usually to do history essay(s), and well. play neopets. shuddap dont go "chinggggg!!!!!". At 10pm i talk to steven... or nowadays. at 11pm or 12am cos of history essays.. den i sleep. so routine eh. no tv included. the only tv i actually watch is tv mobile. which broadcasts the same stuff all the time. especially that Diva on a Dime, and that lame Japanese-English cartoon in the morning at 6 plus to 7am. Do they change the episode like, once a week? do they realize that most people take the bus at about the same time every day, only to see the SAME show... the "WOW!"s and "OOOHH!"s of Diva on A Dime is getting irksome.well. i have digressed again haven i. ok what i was gonna talk about initially was that tonight i finally sat down in front of the tv, and i was so entertained by the constestants of Channel 8's new variety show,永不言败 hosted by kym ng and patricia mok. i honestly, honestly, pity them. pity them for having to pretend that the contestants are entertaining or having any sort of talent at all. the guys weren that bad although this guy's joke about how "wang ba dan" was created was really so cold. These contestants once joined other competitions like 绝对SuperStar, 明星偶像 and 超级主持人. All i can say is, im so sorry, but there's a pretty damn good reason why you were ousted in the very first round of the previous competition(s) you joined (for most of them that is). and plainly, if you cant sing, stick to toruring your family members and sing in the bathroom. the sound of running water may even give your dreadful voice a little boost. Two girls, whose names i shall not reveal for their own sake, were so bad, i cringed in my heart. i could feel it man. One's pronounciation sucked so badly i think yani can speak mandarin more accurately, and she went out of tune so much i rather listen to that crazy bitch on the 3rd floor screaming at everyone in her family. the other one was not that bad but she could neither sing or dance. period. mabbe you'll ask, "if it was so bad, why did you go on watching?". Admittedly for the sake of seeing how bu yao lian and deluded some people are. steven lim (i bet he'd appreciate it if i mention him so im not gonna bother to save his identity) is on the show, by the way. i used to pity him, thinking he was so deluded it's tragical, but now im getting more and more disgusted with him. he's practically joining every single competition he can lay his hands on just to get on tv. can mediacorp just give him a prize and hopefully we will see no more of him? :/ what ive learnt from these peeps is, if you cant do it, try again. if you still cant do it, 1) DONT. 2) dun appear on national tv, for your own sake. 3) seek a therapist in the case of steven lim. love, ching
ching gave some lovin' at
9:30 PM;
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Ive wasted my whole holiday but ive had fun :D:D:Dthe horfun in front of me now SUCKS.i made breakfast for steven and his bro today yayay! cooked bacon, mini sausages and eggs + milk.. what a hearty breakfast! im just happy they didnt complain it sucked :xi saw this poor bangla at Compasspoint this morning... when i first saw him, he was slouching against a pillar and policemen were questioning him i think.. i thought he was drunk or sth. after my 'shopping' at Cold Storage, i met him again at the interchange where he was wiating for 163.. he looked pretty dirty... he was so tired, he nodded off while waiting for the bus such that he din even know when his bus came.. when he finally did, he boarded the bus only to realize there was no more money in thre farecard... and he started to delve into his pocket for coins i guess, and im guessing he had none or not enough.. by then the bus had driven off..i cant imagine how it'd be like if the bus uncle had chased him down the poor thing to be alone, lost and penniless in a foreign country... sigh we shldnt discriminate against banglas.. they are such hardworking people..anyway on a happier note i went out with my darlings yesterday! we sat at crystal jade for abt 2 hours talking crap and of cos eating.. so good to relieve these secondary school days.. i feel soo young with them! haha not at all 18 man :) only phoonie feels old lol.. he couldnt bear to leave us so he din go for dance.. :D:D:D

this is at mac AFTER crystal jade.. when we had ice creams.. the gluttons circle ;) after that i went to watch V for Vendetta or however u spell it with steven.. it's a damn good show but pretty cheem :Xlove,ching!
ching gave some lovin' at
7:26 PM;
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
I Hate IT shows.
From friday to sunday i worked at the IT show held @ Suntec convention hall. worked as a flyer girl for acer. the lady boss pissed me off pretty much. din like her the first time i saw her. i finished my tasks on friday very quickly so there wasnt much to do so i ended up 'cutting out' forms. she threw two boxes over the reception counter and told me to go pick it up to throw. so yeah yeah you're the boss you call the shots. but that was plain stupid. my arms and feet ached like mad from standing for more than 6 hours in a row on sat and sun.. you'd think that acer'd emploly more people to hand out flyers since it's such a renowned company but no, it employed only 2 flyer distributers. when there are way more than 50 stacks each containing at least 200 flyers. and sometimes we have to assume the role of a packer i.e to help pack stuff. you know what this stupid guy said? "Ask them go pack those stuff den distribute the flyers more quickly later". Wad the hell la. i came to work as a flyer distributer and not a packer cum distributer. you sit there talk on hp la wth. i work for 7 hours rest for 15 mins for lunch whats your freaking problem u bloody shithead. and u dun just say distribute more quickly and it means u will distribute more quickly. people decide if they wanna take the freaking flyer. i was so tired of smiling and saying thank you esp to those idiots who gestured their hands although they were gonna take it den withdrew it i wanted to strangle them. and den there were two weirdos who came and "hi my brother is from your school". who is your brother? "nor, him. (points to the other guy beside)" oh so he's from vjc too? (im so dumb i should have just asked whats his class but i first thought he was for real la) "orh yeah, i was in vjc for the first three an ex victorian" ok. "so what cca are you from?" interact.. "oh! i also wanna join" din you say you were in vjc for the first three months. "i mean i also wanted to join" interact just started not too long ago. "yeah ok then i will join lor" din you say you're an EX victorian. "no la im not!" yeah sure our school doesn allow people to dye their hair the way you do. "this is a spray on!" yeah right i so believe you. so what do you want. "orh.. nothing la... ok.. we'll see you around.." the show is ending today. not gonna see you anymore. "urh ok see you around today den.." -back to giving flyers- sometimes people do dumb things when they are bored. sometimes ur eyes just go OOooOOOoo (as in big small big small not "oooooOOoooh!" that sound) when u see so many people. nvm, get my pay i happy already. unfortunately i surrendered it all to my mum to pay for my contacts and the rest go into the bank. doesn it just suck when you cant keep what you earn? crap. chinggy
ching gave some lovin' at
12:31 AM;
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
lets lighten up the mood a bit. obviously i cant do comics. sigh. tats joke on my name is starting to get into me.

ching gave some lovin' at
9:37 PM;
in the past 5 days, i was brought into a new world where suddenly any problems i had became trival, whiny complains, and the wishes i have for my life felt superficial and stupid. The pain i witnessed hurt me; it was way more than the measly pain i felt when i tumbled down the a flight of steps in sec4, way more than the pain i feel when i have a fight with steven. Like Nel said, the pain was so real. Yea it was so real that it cut all of our hearts so deeply- but not as deep as those who were pierced. I know life is unfair, but in times like this I cant help but ask God why it is so unfair, why bad things befall good people. I hope that He will answer me. I see a cheery sweet girl who has lost the glint in her eyes and the radiance on her face and the ability to laugh wholeheartedly, a girl whose eyes keep brimming with tears, a tiny girl bogged down by by the weight of memories and pain. How can any heart not feel pain. love, ching
ching gave some lovin' at
8:37 PM;
Friday, March 03, 2006
POST CA.. YEaH!!!First of all, i'd like to thank the Bus 18 driver who made me rush to skl like mad for my elit paper like im competing for some walkathon, chiong into the LT with everyone staring at me like i just turned up late for my wedding. He held up a whole bus of people for like 10 mins in the bus just because a Malay woman let her maid use a primary skl farecard. he demanded for her I/C and wadever crap... and even when the woman say she'll pay the full fare he still refused to give in and threatened to call police. seriously he has nothing better to do.. like aw c'mon it's just A FEW CENTS... do u need to make a police report (and the subsequent fuss)? i bet the police wont even entertain him. Like what is he gonna say, "Hello police ah! Emergency!! Somebody cheat my company SBS $1 leh!!! I i closed the bus doors so she is trapped here, you must quickly come send one whole unit down with guns and handcuffs and throw her into prison!" Like wtv. Anyway basically he did close the bus doors as though that auntie is gonna run away and escape -.- they argued, a man came up and tried to settle things, but the uncle kbkbkbkb... den he called up the SBS company i think.. (well i bet he knew that the policeman would tell him to get a life so he decided not to call them.), so the bus just stopped at the bus stop. ppl began to press the bell to tell the uncle they wanna get down, but he IGNORED it despite "DING DONG"-ing 4--5 times. wth la. finally the man got pek chek and raised his voice to the uncle and demanded that he wanted to alight and the uncle better open the door, so he did. and just when i got up to leave he shut the damn door again. LIKE WTHHHHHHHH la. freaking uncle. i dun wanna talk abt it already. today i broke my nail : ( i went to Timezone with steven, we played air hockey (so fun :D) and lame children games... like press a button to extend out a "hand" to knock fishes down lol... bluff wan say got tickets in the end none came out :/ den we played "basketball"... as in shooting. and both of our first shots were SOOO bad, both of our basketballs hit the rim of the machine and BOUNCED OFF. we tried to catch them (and thats when i broke my nail i guess so for a moment i felt a sharp pain) in vain and they went bouncing in the arcade. SO MALU. :/ i only realized my finger was bleeding when i got out of e place. now one third of my fingernail is purple; im just hoping the nail wont come off so scary :((( ok i better go research on where to makan with the old clique tmw else phooniebaboonie complain i take so long lol.. i cant wait to have a good catching up with them!! :D love, ching
ching gave some lovin' at
10:35 PM;