Monday, February 13, 2006
If you're bored and tired go see this...
well, what can i say.. i laughed my ass off looking at pictures from the cross country LOL... what a good relief from all the mugging.. :x Laughs.... more laughs...,ching
ching gave some lovin' at
1:17 AM;
Friday, February 10, 2006
My Amazing and Cool Blister!
see tht pic? that's my AMAZING blister.within the black outline is actually wad WAS my blister on the sole of my foot 5 hours ago. It was a full, bloating blister filled with water... until i burst it by cutting a small slit in the skin. got quite a lot of water for a blister lol.. well cos the blister was big la. well anyway! what amazes me about my this blister is that the skin left after i burst it actually "integrated", or "merged" with the normal skin!!! so it's like at first after i burst it there was just this flap of skin like an empty bag, i din cut it off cos i always read about how that would expose it to infection or sth. and well now after 5 hours it has merged together!!!ok i have a feeling i dont explain things quite well such that you're probably like "wth u talkin abt man"... well i'd gladly show u my miraculous blister if u ask :D ah i better go sleep. it's 12:07 am now!! the earliest im turning in for the past few weeks. love, ching
ching gave some lovin' at
12:00 AM;
Monday, February 06, 2006
Why the 15 days of CNY is my favourite festive season heh1) on fri before cny eve steven and i had dinner at Al Dente Trattoria, a "grill it yourself" restaurant... my sirloin steak and crayfish were so yummy! obviously i have a talent for cooking cos my steak turned out so well unlike steven's which was overcooked.. ignore my pearls of wisdom la.. heh. we had good seats.. sat right beside the river as we had dinner.. a really, really romantic's a couple of pics...

the first pic was taken from my seat! den this is me with my grill.. the pic is a bit blur though..very nice eh... but the luckiest thing is that we caught the cny fireworks in the middle of our dinner! :))after that we went to chun1 dao4 he2 pan4... there wasnt too many people so it wasnt like those squeeze until can die haha.. like chinatown..the deco's pretty commendable this year, better than last year... or maybe it's cos i din havecontacts last year couldnt see shit lol..

2) [sat] on cny i went to po po jia! as in grandma's house.. collect angbao.. *rubs hands gleefully* but alas, i dun get to keep them haha.. have no pic here.. dinget to take pic that day... oh before that i had reunion dinner with my paternal side.. but my gugu and her family din go.. well thank goodness i dun exactly like her much.oh yah they are the dull side i talked abt.this is my third uncle and his family.. with my family. his wife is ok, but notice how he doenst smile... i dun like that cousin, he;s damn irritating kept rolling his eyes whenever we talked to him. rudeass. anyway my uncles dun smile if u realise lol..

yet another pic of the 'twin' sisters :Dat night i accompanied my dad and sis to watch fireworks/firecrackers @ chinatown... after that we went to the chinatown market and got caught up in a human jam which was so bad people pushed you to the side but you dont fall because there's so space and instead you end up pushing others as well lol.. the lanes were often one way and pretty squeezy... people pushed till the tables of one stall at the side almost crashed or toppled or wtv the word.. until the uncle started dispersing sweets to the crowd. i caught one haha! well it hit my head wad.3) [sun] on cny day itself i got angbao which my parents gave me! which i can keep of cos :D but i spent it all on steven's birthday bbq haha... and i wore cheongsam that day ok! lol.. in the early afternoon we went to my paternal grandpa's house... went to maternal grandma's house during late afternoon... the pic on the right is my closest relatives.. my mum's 2nd brother's family... :))
in the evening i went out with steven to watch jet li's fearless.. better known as huo yan jia! martial arts are so much better than the typical mafia gun shooting... i believe in fist fighting and not using dumb weapons lol..4) [mon] i went to my uncle's (the one above) house in the evening... den went to catch "i not stupid too" with my family.. it was damn funny la lol! i loved the portrayal of parent-child rship esp the mother lol... but to the end i cried like mad. it's a good show, all teenagers shld watch it lol.. it's a good family show :)
isnt xiao li hui (the little girl in spects) adorable lol..5) [tues] now it was my turn for my uncle and his family came to my house lol.. anyway i met steven baby again! my parents are so nice they are starting to allow me to celebrate festive seaons with steven : )) we had dinner at Long Jonh Silver's :) at night i joined my family and relatives at chun dao he pan (yes again lol).. this time there were so many ppl i wanted to faint. i cannot stand the sight of a huge crowd, dunno why but i get dizzy and dreamy lol.. but anyway we hung arnound for 1 and a half hours just to watch 5 mins of fireworks with a stupid boy who kept shouting stupid comments as i tried to admire the beauty of the fireworks.. told u that primary skl kids are irritating.6) [....sat] steven's bday bbq! i kept it as a surprise party from him and invited all his close friends over haha.. most unfortunately it rained from 3 plus to 7pm ugh. but my sis and jh, kum sum, xiaoyang they all helped me to set up the fire... i sorta regretted inviting steven's old gang (i really mean gang.) of friends.. esp that boonchao. came to my house smoking and i immediately pinched my nose and fanned away the smoke and told him "can you dun smoke here". irritant. and he brought his ah lian gf without telling me. her pants were hanging on her hips such that could see her buttcrack already and my sis was like "can u ask her to pull up her jeans." i could have just dumped a charcoal into the buttcrack man. for goodness sake girls shld just pull up their jeans nowadays. its damn disgusting seeing the dark part above the butt crack la. but on the whole she's ok la. but bc they all were damn annoying cos they refused to help with anything and just sat there giggling at dunno wad shit so freaking rude. during the bbq they also just sat there and wait for me to serve them food, give them sausages/crabmeat they put back said not cooked when hello it's already cooked! horrible people. i was so happy when they left. even steven din wanna hang out with them.but the rest like jh, xy, kumsum, kw, ts.. were very nice.. they even helped me to pack up and insisted they take over so that i can eat.. nice peeps: )me and my darling bday boy! :))
7) [sun] i went to sentosa with my family for the flowers exhibition... damn hot but the flowers were pretty.. i let the pictures speak for themselves!
the dog on the right is
made from flowerswor..

at night i had my CNY shopping! cos my mum gave me an extra $20 seeing i had no money left after steven's bbq... and i bought 4 tops that i spend $23 on in total :D my mum wanted me to wear them and let her take pics lol... anyway the bombos wanted to see wad i bought right so here they are..
the other side of the top is actually black and turqoise but din capture it la.

i cant decide which top i like best but i guess it's this yellow one!
8) and today the bombos and haojin gave me my belated belated belated bday present lol.. a bikini! and its so damn nice!!! but my mum scolded me say it's so skimpy lol.. owell... but yaddah its so pretty!! thanks bombo+ haojin babies {muacks}
wow this is really a long entry lalala gotta go do work now ciao! i'll continue next time :Dsee, cny rocks!love,ching
ching gave some lovin' at
7:12 PM;