Thursday, December 29, 2005
now for the happier stuff..#1. My older sis is finally coming back to singapore!!! hehehe :P steven tells me i look more and more like my sis as i grow up heh. well now at least i have someone to share the load of a 10 year old sister who can irritate the crap outta me. well of cos i do love her but she pissed the shit outta me just now so there u go hmph.#2. ok i said talk abt happier stuff right. i know! i got a dog :)))) i haven decided on a proper name for it yet so for the time being it has to stick with the cliche and tacky "gou gou" (dog dog in chinese lol). steven bought it for me as a xmas present. actually im kinda allergic to furry stuff but ah well nvm. and here's why my dog is so much better den any other real living dog.1. its quiet so doesnt bark like some mad dog2. it doesnt shit around, so dun even need to be toilet trained3. it has a big, soft, furry and CLEAN ass that i can touch. i know i sound pervert-ish but its a nice feeling lol4. its well behaved and does whatever i wants it to do5. it doesnt have a disgusting wet tongue to lick my cleansed face6. it doesnt have teeth so it cant bite7. it doesnt eat so i dun have to spend a single cent on it8. it does not require cleaning often. only like one every 3 mths?9. its fur can change colour (really! i smooth its fur in one direction and it becomes light golden brown. if i smooth it in the opposite direction it becomes dark brown :D)10. it will definitely not paw off bits of my face when im asleep like the labrador that pawed off his poor owners face!here are some of the most wonderful dog on earth's pics. with me of cos!
i look so bad. think i better get more sleep ugh. this whole holiday i never exercise ONCE. not even ONCE. uggggh.#3. Xmas!! ( ok i know its quite late already)there wasnt much of xmas spirit this year.. couldnt really feel it. but neway i went to cheryl's church with steven. it's our first 'social gathering' together lol.. kinda weird at first cos we din know anyone besides hwei and cher who were busy. but phoon later came and we started yakking and yakking lol.. i didint like the speaker's speech, he's that kinda christian i loathe, the kind who doesnt respect other people's religion. He was putting down Buddhism, laughing at how they apparently found Buddha's tooth and worshipped it and his tone was mocking, and i honestly wanted to tell him to just shut up, at least you dun see Buddhists fighting around like Christian and Muslim extremists. I aint a Buddhist, I believe in Jesus rather than Buddha, but i think there ought to be a line drawn when it comes to loving your God, and other people's religions. Buddhism aint a cult ya know. steven and phoon din like it either, they were either figeting, playing with his shoelaces (looks at phoon), 'playing' with his thumb (looks at steven), stretching out their legs, and phoon even mouth "im so bored" lol. well guys were never good listeners! :P anyway the old clique gathered up for some juicy updates of our own life lol.. haven been in touched with these freaks for so long, i realise how much i love them! they will always be my 'babies' :D
thats cher, phoon, me and hwei! clique forever :)) ok byebye :D love,ching
ching gave some lovin' at
10:38 PM;
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
SHIT YOU YOU NEFARIOUS BITCH. I planned on talking abt a CAG (chao ah gua) i saw yesterday but today i met and quarrelled with this bitch in public that i just HAVE to talk about and get it off my chest becos im infuriated. I never knew i'd quarrel with someone openly in public with people staring. i met fiona at my condo downstairs to chiong our holiday homework. i decided to go to the toilet to tie up my hair cos it was bothersome. there was a woman in her thirties, in a swimsuit (assuming that she was using the sauna.) (yes the bloody bitch.) and i smiled at her (damn i really wish i DIDNT). I tried to tie my hair up but the fan was blasting away so it was hard to tie my hair. so i switched it off. Bitch: "Why did you switch off the fan can you switch it back on." (her bloody tone made me think she was a bitch already.)Me: "Erm I need to tie my hair and the fan is blowing and making it messy. I will turn it on in a minute?"Bitch: "No. I feel very hot."Me: "(wth?) Erm just a short while and i will turn it back on?"Bitch: "Cannot! i feel very hot."In the beginning i really tried to be polite even though i wanted to strangle her already. I was kinda pissed but i switched on the fan to please her. den i realise, hey, she doesnt own the damn condo, it's not like im permanently switching it off!and pls la how to tie hair when the fan keeps blowing at it like mad? And she went to a corner anyway so i switched it off again.Bitch: "I tell you dun switch off why you still switch it off?"Me: "I really cant tie my hair with the fan switched on.. I will switched it back on in a while ok?"Bitch: "You want to tie your hair you go home and tie this is a public place you cant just come in and switch off the fan"Wa lau. from here i got really pissed so i started arguing with her. i mean, wth la, tell me go home and tie my hair? you so hot you go home and blast your air con la! Me: "i will switch it back on in 30 seconds??" (my tone was admittedly unfriendly already. but who cares, she started it first.)Bitch: "you dont own this place you cannot be so rude just come in switch off the fan"Me: "i asked you and you said no? and you dont own this place either you know"Bitch: "the fan was switched on when i came in so you cannot just switch it off!"Me: "....................... it's just for 30 seconds!"Bitch: "It's very hot in here you know? how can you just switch off without asking?"Me: (damnit I DID I DID I DID YOU SAID NOOOOOOO) "IT'S JUST FOR A WHILE I WILL SWITCH IT BACK ON LA" ( i raised my voice becos she WOULDNT get it.)and after some arguement in the toilet...Bitch: "I'LL GO AND GET THE GUARD."Me: "you dont have to be a bitch about such a small thing you know?" (she pushed the button. she asked for it, like cmon! cant i even switch off the fan for 30 secs??? it wasnt even that hot la wth!)Bitch: "I want to complain to the guard!"Me: "COMPLAIN LA."Bitch: "YES I WILL. COME."so both of us went to the secuity guard desk where there was also an eatery and mamashop. as we walked guess what she said? Bitch: "you think you very pretty issit?"wth la. just cos i wanna tie my hair up so i can study properly without my hair irritating me? i was damn damn damn pissed so i told her, "if you think i am, den so be it." anyway as usual she went to the guard and kbkbkbkkbkbkbkbkbkbkbbkbkbkbkbkb about me. so i told the guard what happened and how that bitch refused to let me switch it off for just a while. the guard was like "it's just a misunderstanding" but the bitch refused to back off and went on ranting TELLING THE GUARD I DIDNT ASK IF I COULD SWITCH IT OFF. I DID, YOU F**KING BITCH. Bitch (to the guard): ".............. -blah- and you know there are two other people in the sauna and she never ask them if she can switch off the fan? public place you know!"Me (to the bitch): "People in sauna need the fan outside issit?"and blah blah blahi got so pissed i just raised my voice at her in public.told her that if she wanted such luxury (actually i meant ownership), she should just go and live in a private apartment. seriously la. all i needed was the fan switched off for a while, not even a min, and i will switch it back on, and she had to bitch and scold me so much, acting like she will melt without a fan for 30 secs. but what really got me off was the fact that i did ask her if i could switch off the fan for a while and she said no, yet she kept saying i didnt ask. well whats the point of asking anyway? she kept saying no anyway! and just cos she says no, i gotta listen to her like its her toilet? im a fellow resident too so its a shared facility. its not like i aint gonna switch it back on! issit my damn fault she couldnt freaking compromise? fancy telling me to walk all the way home to tie my hair if i wanted to. what abt her? if she is using the sauna and complaining that its too hot, she can either lower the damn temperature or take a dip in the bloody pool or take a shower in the toilet la! and at the end of the day, ITS JUST 30 SECONDS. freaking bitch i could just slap her if not for the remaining self control.BITCH. sometimes the uppityness of Condo residents cant just make your blood boil. living in a condo doesnt give you the right over every thing. honestly la, want such privacy and personal ownership den buy a mansion and have a built in sauna crap la. if cannot afford den FACE IT, you're just like people living in HDB, no greater, just that you've got security guards (OH OF COS, WHOM YOU CAN COMPLAIN TO), and most of all, the facilities, and even the guards, are shared la waddaheck. thats why i always tell my dad, why cant we live in HDB flats. AT LEAST THE PEOPLE ARE NICER.Crap. Frigging bitch. the fact that she can unleash the bitch in me shows how far she pushed me. ive NEVER scolded or argued with a stranger. gtg eat dinner now. will come back to talk about more peaceful stuff. *HEAVES A HUGE SIGH*... cool down ching. :/love, (to anyone but that bitch.)ching
ching gave some lovin' at
6:48 PM;
Friday, December 02, 2005
ching, the lousy seamtress
spent a whole day making this tube which i decide i've got no guts to wear out. it looks simple, but trust me, i almost tore all my hair out sweing it by hand. now it looks like some girl guide skirt or something. ugh. i think i will stick to buying my clothes. love, ching
ching gave some lovin' at
9:23 PM;