Monday, October 31, 2005
see if you notice it :X
take a look at the picture. see anything that makes u go "OMG" or "WTH"? haha... if you dont, take a look at the ice cream im holding.. doesnt it look like a men's penis :x dont scream at me please. lol.. i really, really didnt take this picture on purpose. this pic was taken last year.. or the beginning of this year, in bugis. ive come across this pic so many times but i never realised the phallic symbol till my mother pointed it out the other day when she was looking at my pics... she was like "OMG GO BACK TO JUST NOW THAT PIC!!!" well. who knew my mother would have an eye for such things. lol... love, ching
ching gave some lovin' at
5:50 PM;
Thursday, October 27, 2005
EXTREME KIASUISM OF A FUGGINGLY IRRITATING AUNTY.i always knew that singaporean parents were kiasu, but i never imagined them to be this bad. as i walked out of bedok library today afternoon, an auntie stopped me. i thought i dropped something or she wanted to ask me for directions or something so i stopped. she asked, in mandarin, if i was from vjc. so i said yes. she then took out some mock exam papers from her bag and started saying stuff like "These questions very hard", so i figured out she wanted to ask me how to solve them. but i saw words like "ELECTRODE" and "H-CCOOH-OOOH" or wtv crap, and thus realised it was chemistry so i told her im in arts i dunno how to do... she persisted, asking if i have a friend from science stream. (phoon struck me immediately lol) den she began asking if JC still has lessons, so i told her no, but we have PW. she talked a lot of crap, tried to ask me for my 'science-fren's' number etc. thought she wanted tuition, but in the end realised she wanted free help for her kid. wth la. i said nonononononono, but she persisted. started digging out my studying-life by asking me which secondary skl i was from, whether i took combined science or triple... on hindsight, IS THAT YOUR DAMN PROBLEM. she even asked me what my CCA was in secondary school and what i did in Art Society. Wth! I pour paint of aunties when they irritate me ok. -.- she even asked me what my higher chinese grade was etc. wanna know where the kiasuism came in? When she started asking me how i studied for my chemistry, english and chinese, which schools' mock exam papers AHS gave us to do, and worst of all, WAD QUESTIONS CAME OUT FOR ENGLISH COMPO, SOCIAL STUDIES AND ELIT DURING O LEVELS LAST YEAR. wth man does she think i am that boliao as to rmb o level questions such that i can answer some stupid aunty's question on 26 Oct one year later. i was like NO i cant remember....... -.- ok maybe that wasnt the worst. i really wanted to strangle her when she asked me for my King of the Castle notes. she din offer to buy them or what, she just requested i give her my hp number so that she can contact me and GET the notes from me. who the hell does she think she is, my relative?????????????? wth man, ive just known you, UNWILLINGLY? i shrugged off her request by saying that i dunno if ive chucked them, so after some useless persistence she realised i wasnt gonna give in i guess, anf thank goodness she shifted to another topic. ok not exactly "thank goodness" that i still had to entertain her. she asked me a shitload of questions abt higher chinese as well, and in between she dropped a not-so-subtle hint: "aiya so sad i dont have your number if not i can ask you..." i may be stupid for engaging in a conversation with you, auntie, but im not as dumb as to give you my hp number so you can harrass me. my gosh, to prepare her child for english compo, she makes her read JCs' compilations of GP essays. speaking of that, i think she wanted me to give her my VJC GP essay book as well. she was asking if VJC produces it and whether i have one, and whether we need to pay. wtv it is i got pissed and simply asked her "so kiasu for what?" and she was like "I WHEREGOT KIASU?!" talk about being so extreme you dont even realise you are. i entertained this stupid aunty for like half an hour, would you believe it? my stupidity as well. blame it on my niceness hmph~ i answered her questions patiently, of cos, until the point where i really really couldn take it anymore and i was just forcing a smile. well, too bad, she just had to bug me AGAIN AND AGAIN... after i answered a question and thought she was finally gonna say "thank you" and leave me alone, she started on another topic like she was having some PANEL DISCUSSION.. so, still being polite, i told her "aunty i have to go already". GUESS WHAT? SHE WALKED AND TALKED WITH ME. *pulls out hair* i tell you, in that instance, i was serioulsy controlling my frustration. i had some huge urge to scream "CAN U JUST F OFF ALREADY?????????" ive been controlling my use of vulgarities well, but sorry, this aunty was just THAT BAD. i haven been so vastly irritated by a stranger in a long, long while. what was i thinking when i decided to even entertain her. from now on, any aunty that approaches me, im gonna be on guard and the moment they ask me more than 3 questions about studies, im gonna say sorry ive dropped out of skl i dunno anything. love, ching
ching gave some lovin' at
2:34 PM;
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
stupid cockroaches!!!today it rained like mad again. umbrellas were almost useless as the rain could 'attack' you from the side. saw a piece of wooden board flying around... can you imagine if it hits your face. owwwbut the worst thing that could have happened to me so far today is at bedok interchange. i was waiting for 168/69 which took a darn long time. i felt an itch near my feet, and to my horror of all horrors there was a bloody cockroach STUCK in between the 'curve' of my right foot and the shoe.. where you tie your shoelaces. i was like OMG and kicked my foot frantically. i must have looked stupid but to hell with it i must get that damn cockroach off my foot la!!! at first it wouldnt come off somemore. damn it, why din anybody notice and tell me earlier??? ughhhh!! it 'flew' away thanks to my mighty kick in the air thank goodness. later when my bus finally came i saw half a cockroach on the floor. its feelers were still moving though. maybe it was that darn cockroach. well, serves you right for freaking me out. :/love, ching
ching gave some lovin' at
8:32 AM;
Friday, October 21, 2005
I HATE PW.haha my group can be really brilliant. we had to redo the WHOLE written report cos ithad to wrong focus, and we completed it within a night heh. but unfortunately there is still oral presentation. sigh. signed up for history s paper dunno if i can get it. and dun know if i up to it. the questions are interesting but needs seriously a lot of research. dunno if i wanna sign up for the UN model thinggy too. it'd help greatly i guess since i wanna work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs next time. but it's such a committment and again, involves a lotta work. i'd probably screw up the presentation especially. can you imagine, presenting in front of politicians................... *breaks out in cold sweat* and steven going NS next year i wanan spend as much time as i can in the beginning of the year before he slugs it out on the fields. poor thing... BUT... i love guys in army uniform.. always had a fascination with NCC guys.. explains why all my past and current boyfriends were from NCC lol... of cos, steven looks the hottest in the uniform (swooms).. and acutally now i see NCC or army guys i also dont go "WOW" anymore. steven will always be an exception though. i remember i used to go weak in the knees literally when he walked in my direction, of cos, wearing his NCC uni.... *hubba hubba* so maybe him going army is not so bad afterall... every saturday when he books out i will be waiting at the gate (kinda sounds like prison huh. ) preparing to fall into his strong arms................................................. *sighs dreamily* im so humsup aiyo. but not as bad as vanna la. LOL. love, ching
ching gave some lovin' at
10:15 AM;
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
CHIONG PW DAY 1ok actually today is not the first day.. but you believe it tonight is the very first time all of my group members are online and talking PW lol! i was like so flustered.. had to edit so many things to form a ''newest, most updated written report".. got too confused. but now it's done whee! ok half is done :/ think miss tham is pissed with my group : ( wad to do... no leader no nothing takes a long time to ogranise stuff promo results are so bad so far. pinning my hopes on elit. hughes and chaucer please be,ching
ching gave some lovin' at
3:04 PM;
Sunday, October 16, 2005
vjc open househaha of all people, i got selected to be an usher at the vj open house. i think the school must have been hunting down those yet fully integrated into vjc lol. i only properly ushered one family wuth phoon today during my shift..:X shhh lol. the open house ws like some vjc party sia.. it was damn messy but pretty interesting.. the jam band was good. so many people ah i see until tao tia. haha when i was eating ice cream nellie pulled me in to do the mass dance during the finale.. was dancing to whiney whiney while eating ice cream in the end stained my blouse uggh lol... also did 2 other dances and again whiney whiney.. i din know how to do the other 2 la cos i second intake they din really teach us during 02 lol.. must have seemed like a dork, dancing in skl skirt somemore. but the vjc spirit was high, pretty cool the way almost every victorian joined in the mass dance lol.. thats one thing i admire abt vjc.listening to danny elfman's piano duet from the Corpse Bride now.. a truly beautiful piece. wish i could play the piano.. it's so touching.anyway i can jolly well forget abt my S paper. Miss goh says that for Paper 3, our class average is D, E, O and Fs..... sigh. the science classes who do history got Bs and Cs on the average la... kaoz.. throw face,ching
ching gave some lovin' at
12:03 PM;
Friday, October 14, 2005
i cant stand primary school kids. oh my goodness what the hell is wrong with these kiddos today. just overheard (ok not really overheard- i wasnt eavesdropping; she was talking right before me) my primary 4 sister asking her fren "so how tmw you want to go BEAT UP that person". O.O den she was like, "school got camera later see us how" ...i was like " mai act cool la so young only talk about beating people up.." but she went on talking about how she's having second thoughts about beating up who she calls "retardedbutt"(at least thats what i think she calls him) because he lives in my area and he supposedly has a 50-men (or should i say puny little boys) gang and they might get revenge on her. why do i have a vison of little boys whose voices are still squeaky chasing my sis with water guns? my sister is certainly not ah lian, and neither are these stupid little boys ah bengs. cmon la they are from red swastika school? how ah beng or ah lian can you get? if these so called ah bengs wanna fight those from Bedok Green (they're side by side), i think even a primary 2 ah beng from Bedok Green can punch the daylights outta them. nonetheless, i do recognise the fact that primary school kids are getting more and more boisterous and they ought to go for some re-education. i know im speaking like a communist but too bad; they're annoying the hell out of me. ive even heard these puny little boys spouting vulgarities like F*** YOU ah in public buses... onggie also heard some boys saying "Let's have oral sex" or sth liddat on the mrt to other boys (i cant even refer to them as guys). do they even know what oral sex is??? goodness. and of cos there goes my sis talking about beating someone up. to think she is a prefect. -.- like, your beating up is what, hitting the guy on the shoulder and running away? i doubt she'd even do that. i cant imagine my sis cornering some guy and kicking him in the stomach or wtv. yeah she's rather big sized (all thanks to her rapid pace of eating... including MY SHARE of food :/) for a pri 4 kid, but it's just not her to beat up people. crazy little kids. love, ching
ching gave some lovin' at
9:17 AM;
Thursday, October 13, 2005
05A54 BBQ... marriages....mon to wed (thats today!) was 05A54's chalet.. :) we had the bbq yesterday, haha first time i prepared the food etc :X went to sheng siong market with cheryl ong, loh, vanna and jasmine yesterday morning... yawn yawn. the stupid butcher so bad ask him help us cut sotong face black like the sotong's squirt. wadever it is. sotong's really gross.. esp when loh and i were washing it was like ugggh. the moment i saw the sotong's eyes i threw the head away without washing it. cmon, i dont think anybody eats sotong's head... right? passed some to ong and vanna to wash and within a few minutes loh and i heard screams lol. there was a fish head in the sotong wahahahaha..... well waddaya expect, sotongs eat fish and we are practically cleaning out their bowels. it was pretty gross.. cant stand anything dead with eyes. vanna was so freaked out lol.. it must have been a nightmare for her. i was also cringing when i had to pluck this yellow round ball of duno what which was attached to the sotong........ loh suspected its the anus:/ well i aint gonna burst the ball to see wad shit there is inside thats for sure :/ den loh and i washed the stingray and chicken wings while jas washed the prawns and ong and vanna washed the dory.... and mopped the floor etc. we were bushed by the time we finally washed, cut and marinated everything and finally took a short nap of abt half an hour. predicted what covergirl was gonna wear etc and well everything came true ;P we're so bitchy. but cant help it la. when u want attention, you get all sorts of attention yeah? *smirks* uggh during the bbq stupid nellie tried to force sambal into my mouth... i hate spicy food la lol... and jacq did some nanyang dance which got everyone into fits of laughter whahaha.. she did it so naturally somemore.. lol was pretty sad when i had to leave the chalet... yup i enjoyed my time. come to think about it, though we had to slog while everyone could play at the beach, it was all worthwhile when people came up and said it was a good bbq. :) gee hope next time i can do the same for steven. like mabbe he invites some frens to chalet and i prepare the food for them... wad an honour :D miranda said i will be a good housewife next time... yay i hope my husband will think so too:X but most likely not. i still dread the thought of mopping the floor. i really hate it. it must be because my mum used to make me hand squeeze the mop and seeing all the hair and dirt stuck to the mop and my hands just turns me off. big time. but sigh. speaking of marriages, im a believer; wish im married to steven now, but sometimes, in light of real life experiences, i tend to have second thoughts whether the dream of a blissful marriage can come true for me. i dont demand that my husband brings in enough dough for me to splurge... at the end of the day i just want a loyal man who will not fall for another woman, one who loves me truly and will not lie to me. it seems like for some reason husbands have trouble staying in love with their wives. look at the wife who committed suicide bringing along the kids with her. i read her letter/poem to her husband and i totally felt it for her. how is it possible to be with a man happily whom you still love but loves another woman? you cant end it just like that because you still love him, and you already have kids... the problem simply lies in that he cant leave the other woman cos he loves her. i dont wanna end up in the same predicament as her... as well as many other women. sigh. if only there is a way of seeing if the man u love will betray your love and trust in the future. blissful marriages are becoming a delusion in today's society and i dont wanna be convinced it's not gonna work out for me. love, ching
ching gave some lovin' at
2:19 PM;
Saturday, October 08, 2005
END OF PROMOS (wheeeeeeee)yesterday was the last damn day of promos hehehe. i was damn tired after all the nights of last minute mugging, but i din opt for an afternoon nap and stayed up till 3am. now my dark eye circles are even worse and ima going out later with fiona koh for lunch... eeeeks.i must start exercising man. next week the bombos are probly coming over to my place for sauna and gym together lol. i need exercise badly to perk myself up. been looking so tired, esp ever since i got a laptop. yay it's time to release toxins from my body!well, dun think i will fare better in promos than mid years. mid years i got CCE, this time if im lucky i will get OCD. lol. O for math, C for elit and D for hist. screwed up my math paper; left two questions totally undone, losing about 12 marks in an instance. din attempt a lot of sub questions too, and made stupid careless mistakes... i actually thought that square root (1+1) is 1 ugh. wad a dumb mistake. wtv it is 've lost about 50 marks hoho. God bless my remaining 50 marks out of the teacher's reach. :/as for history my well loved subject... although european history is starting to irk me... sigh thats gonna be a D i guess. ironically my european history wasnt that bad; Cold War was. well wad to do.. i only studied the end of cold war and crises of communism. couldnt do 2 questions on end of cold war/crises of communism so i did origins instead. and you know what? i dint touch origins AT ALL. i was practically answering based on what i can remember... simply rambling against the paranoia of the USA about the spread of Communism. sob sob. i studied history till 5am and slept 1 and a half hours before waking up and going to school for the exam. crazy i know, but all i can say is that it was well worth it. if i didnt, i would have answered every question based on my pathetic memory and well that would sure fail for elit.. owell. i gave up 2 days of studying history for elit. because i realised even if i din touch elit at all and spend all the time on history, history wouldnt give me full marks. and i dun wanna fail elit. it was ok i guess, but i din have enough time for the unseen paper which is supposed to be the easiest. luckily for unseen it's not compulsory to write a conclusion so im hoping the marker will think ive finished :X chaucer and hughes were reasonably ok although i gave a few wrong quotes. "Ful many a man weneth to seen a thing/And it is al another than it semeth" became "Ful many a man weneth a thing seen/ And it is al another than it semeth." wth how to remember quotations of such weird english. you cant expect me to get all correct. problem is that was in my intro, so mr ho's bound to spot it lol. hughes was freaking hard. but mr harris likes people rambling it seems. so im keeping my fingers crossed.ok enough about promos. then there's PW. shit.ok i think i better go eat lunch. wanted to go gym but seems like i wont end up doing that anymore. feeling too sluggish today. ugh im gonna look mroe horrible than usual. maybe it's time i learn to put on make up. :/ but i dont wanna get acne from make up or wtv skin problem. it's such a chore having to remove it as my prom night proved. i should just sleep more i guess. maybe i should lock this laptop away so i wont use it till the wee hours of the night. ugh.oh i miss the malay food in vj sooooo much...haven had it for 2 weeks and i feel horribly weak... think i lost weight AGAIN damn it. dunno why somehow the malay food stall's food makes me feel fatter and healthier. i neeeeeeeeeeeeeed it... oh no i sound like the stupid yan cheng's mother in chi4 zi3 cheng2 long2 who always yearns for the emperor's birdnest hurr. ok la byebye i need,ching
ching gave some lovin' at
6:35 AM;
Saturday, October 01, 2005
frigging irritated with this mad woman who lives on the 3rd floor above me. almost everytime i wash my dishes at the kitchen sink i can hear her screaming away at her little toddler kids. she literally screams the house down. i wonder why she cant just be more civilised and not disturb other people with her incessant screams. it's really annoying to have a peaceful mind being interrupted so rudely by this shrill, crazy screams of a mad woman. it's like, damn it, you're making everyone else near you mad as well. sometimes i just wanna go to the balconey and shout "WILL YOU JUST STFU FOR ONE DAY." it's like, yeah, maybe she's facing pressure being a mother/housewife, but i dun see my mum screaming her head off as frequently as she does, and to the extent that it disturbs other people.
Listening to Corrinne May now... think she's really good in calming one's senses.. should recommend it to the siao char bor upstairs.
ching gave some lovin' at
5:46 AM;